That's what I've described the modification of my blood pressure medication to friends as. About a year ago, I started on a blood pressure medicine to combat my hereditary hyper-tension. It helped somewhat, but didn't get the numbers to where my doctor wanted them to be. My weight is only about 10 lbs over goal and I both eat a healthy (mostly) diet and get exercise. Instead of upping the dosage again on the drug, he added a second element that works as a blood vessel dilator. To be honest, I don't think it's helped with my blood pressure, BUT, it has helped in several important ways. For one, my habitually cold hands and feet are now warm to normal human temperature. For another, blood flow to my heart is better and my athletic performance is notably better. For the third, I have a much greater sense of well being. Instead of going through the motions of exercise and riding my bike, I wake up looking forward to it each time. I'm really, really happy about it. I may not live any longer, but I am sure enjoying the life I live more. And, my BP is lower than it was. So that may help with more years to enjoy the company of loved ones and friends too.
Speaking of cycling, I've been busy. As the new RBA for Alabama in Randonneurs USA, I've organized a 100K and a 200K and have a 300K ride to administer coming in 2 weeks. I've also ridden several permanent populaires, as I work on a P-12 award with 2 cycling buddies from Auburn. This will be my first RUSA award. I even bought the jersey. My 1st non wool purchase in many years!
The old 1980 Nashbar Mark III (UJB, by Maruishi for Arnie Nashbar) got fresh paint from an excellent nearby source and was rebuilt as a Riv-ish tourer. Gone are the mustache bars and ancient 105 double drive train. The cockpit and drive train from the Saluki frame set only sold last year to Kellie (who has done a lovely job in re configuring that bike) went on this bike, along with a neat decal "Old Man Peterson's Ferrous Velocipedes". The old head tube ornamentation was just a decal which was stripped off in the paint process. Jeff's pewter "Madonna del Ghisallo" head badge takes its place. No Roman Catholic here, but the image of Mary and Jesus inside a chain ring is cool. Here's a picture of the bike, now dubbed "Ferrous Bueller."

I think it really came out well and I've ridden it on two brevets since the rebuild. It's very comfortable. I ride less with the local club these days. Out of town most weeks, and schedule competition with rando events cut into club ride time. It's still nice to get out with the gang when I can though. This week, I worked in the Montgomery/Selma/Birmingham area so I was able to get to the Tuesday and Thursday evening rides. They were very enjoyable and well attended. Yesterday was a 41 mile club ride and my first on a tandem. I stoked for Max and we are going to carry that forward to next weekend's Dothan Tri-States century ride. It was a good workout, and we went faster than I would have solo. Tomorrow is the annual Memorial Day Metric. Ferrous gets the nod as steed of the day. I'm hoping for nice weather and a pleasant pedal. Kathy has threatened to keep me company in the rear of the pack too so i won't ALWAYS be straining for a glimpse of taillights in the distance. My average pace is up a little, but this ride is hilly and it will get hot so I don't expect a fast ride. The next two weeks should give faster times due to the layout of the routes.
It's nice to find satisfaction in riding again. Nice to pedal new roads and find new friends. Nice to enjoy time with old friends on well worn routes too. It's just good. :)