Sharon came back Saturday from her work assignment in FL. While she was away, I spent plenty of time aboard the steel stable in the garage. We had a good series of after-work Prattville rides, getting in some hill work. Last Saturday, I went out with a long time friend who hadn't been on his bike in a while. It was a new route I mapped out and although he gave it a good effort, after 28 miles, he was ready to head home. I went on and enjoyed the solo excursion. 64.5 mi and 3,248' of climb at 13.9 avg.
This Saturday, we did a "tune up" ride of 43 mi, and ended up at 16.3 avg. Had I known we were going quickly, I would have ridden a quicker bike. As it was, I think the effort impacted how perky I was (or was not) today. Well, that and we had a church related pre-communion fast from Saturday afternoon to Sunday (yesterday) afternoon. It focused our prayers, but may also have lessened glycogen reserves avail to me today. Today, Joe, Frank and I ambled on up the road to Clanton (34 mi up on US 31) and enjoyed Deli-Delite there. The plan was to go to Dairy Queen. The Yellow pages gave me 510 S 7th st as the address.
Dairy Queen
When we got there, the store was Dari-Delite, not Dairy Queen. No matter, it was there, it was open, we were hungry. I ate stuff I wouldn't normally, but it was very tasty, and I am pretty sure that the carbs/cals were incinerated on the ride back home. I fought hydration the whole day. Anything I drank gushed right out through my pores, especially those on my head. The day totaled 74 mi (the route home was longer and hillier) and I drank 154 oz of fluid, not including the vanilla malted at Dari-Delite. And I was till thirsty. Very scenic roads today and no real issues with cars or dogs. Frank and Joe were very considerate and made sure I was alive. We planned to avg 15, but I was running 13.8, especially due to the brisk headwinds coming back. They served to keep us cooler though. We ended up the day with 3,797' of climb, most at the beginning and end of the ride, with longer gradual slopes in the middle. On the way home, we met 3 Clanton riders coming from the Slapout store. Jim and Paul are long time riding pals, and they had a new face with them, Webb was his name, I think. They are strong riders and fast. It was very nice to pause long enough to catch up on things with them, and introduce them to Frank and Joe. Once we took leave of them, I zeroed in on making it down to Posey's, a stop on our normal weeknight loops. If I could get there, get cooled and re hydrated, I would make it home in good order. That's exactly how it went. We took a long enough break there for me to get my act together, and then getting home the last 15 miles was a piece of cake. Some pictures below:
Ron and the "Black Hawk Bike" prepped for the Prattville July 4th Parade. We saw Ron at the start today, at Dari-Delite, and lost track of him leaving Clanton. He wanted to explore a railroad exhibit somewhere.

Eric realizing that he has not practiced changing a tire on his new bike, on our Father's Day ride. His SO Erin offers advice, and Curtis waits to the right while Max demonstrates that his MTB is good on grass. I ended up doing a little refresher course on roadside tire changing.

The "Hound Dog" (Rivendell Saluki) is ready for the ride today. This is where we met to set off from.

In front of our destination. Frank gave it an "A" for atmosphere and a "B-" for food and bathrooms. I rated the food higher. I really liked how the cheese and eggs were mixed up and the crumbly biscuit. It's a DIVE with pleasant country folks working there and stick to your ribs (or other parts) food.

Now Frank and Joe, and the sign:

This picture is for Sharon, who doubts that I would violate Atkins by eating ice cream. 710 cals and 97 carbs of it, Baby! (just for the malted)

A little fuzzy, taken on the roll, but the flag indicates the wind that we hauled into for 40 miles coming home. That's FORTY, with a FOUR.

This Saturday, we did a "tune up" ride of 43 mi, and ended up at 16.3 avg. Had I known we were going quickly, I would have ridden a quicker bike. As it was, I think the effort impacted how perky I was (or was not) today. Well, that and we had a church related pre-communion fast from Saturday afternoon to Sunday (yesterday) afternoon. It focused our prayers, but may also have lessened glycogen reserves avail to me today. Today, Joe, Frank and I ambled on up the road to Clanton (34 mi up on US 31) and enjoyed Deli-Delite there. The plan was to go to Dairy Queen. The Yellow pages gave me 510 S 7th st as the address.
Dairy Queen
When we got there, the store was Dari-Delite, not Dairy Queen. No matter, it was there, it was open, we were hungry. I ate stuff I wouldn't normally, but it was very tasty, and I am pretty sure that the carbs/cals were incinerated on the ride back home. I fought hydration the whole day. Anything I drank gushed right out through my pores, especially those on my head. The day totaled 74 mi (the route home was longer and hillier) and I drank 154 oz of fluid, not including the vanilla malted at Dari-Delite. And I was till thirsty. Very scenic roads today and no real issues with cars or dogs. Frank and Joe were very considerate and made sure I was alive. We planned to avg 15, but I was running 13.8, especially due to the brisk headwinds coming back. They served to keep us cooler though. We ended up the day with 3,797' of climb, most at the beginning and end of the ride, with longer gradual slopes in the middle. On the way home, we met 3 Clanton riders coming from the Slapout store. Jim and Paul are long time riding pals, and they had a new face with them, Webb was his name, I think. They are strong riders and fast. It was very nice to pause long enough to catch up on things with them, and introduce them to Frank and Joe. Once we took leave of them, I zeroed in on making it down to Posey's, a stop on our normal weeknight loops. If I could get there, get cooled and re hydrated, I would make it home in good order. That's exactly how it went. We took a long enough break there for me to get my act together, and then getting home the last 15 miles was a piece of cake. Some pictures below:
Ron and the "Black Hawk Bike" prepped for the Prattville July 4th Parade. We saw Ron at the start today, at Dari-Delite, and lost track of him leaving Clanton. He wanted to explore a railroad exhibit somewhere.
Eric realizing that he has not practiced changing a tire on his new bike, on our Father's Day ride. His SO Erin offers advice, and Curtis waits to the right while Max demonstrates that his MTB is good on grass. I ended up doing a little refresher course on roadside tire changing.
The "Hound Dog" (Rivendell Saluki) is ready for the ride today. This is where we met to set off from.
In front of our destination. Frank gave it an "A" for atmosphere and a "B-" for food and bathrooms. I rated the food higher. I really liked how the cheese and eggs were mixed up and the crumbly biscuit. It's a DIVE with pleasant country folks working there and stick to your ribs (or other parts) food.
Now Frank and Joe, and the sign:
This picture is for Sharon, who doubts that I would violate Atkins by eating ice cream. 710 cals and 97 carbs of it, Baby! (just for the malted)
A little fuzzy, taken on the roll, but the flag indicates the wind that we hauled into for 40 miles coming home. That's FORTY, with a FOUR.

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