We rolled up the driveway this afternoon, following a stop at "Whole Foods Market" in Birmingham. Despite having been on the road for the better part of two days, when Sharon mentioned casually, that we would be passing close by it, I realized that this organic and fresh foods mecca was for her, what Rivendell World Hqs in Walnut Creek CA would be for me, were we passing "close by" on a trip to somewhere else. (For the non cyclist who may chance upon this blog, Rivendell is the brand of bike that i have 3 examples of, as well as all sorts of "lifestyle" items. In other words, excuses to shop their catalog/website) The Whole Foods concept probably would go over well in Walnut Creek anyway, and there was at least a good selection of tasty cheeses to sample.
The last ride of the vacation was on Wednesday. "Long lost" cousin Alan, with who I'd corresponded by email over the past year plus, offered to show me a local route and catch up on old family times. We met outside the hotel and headed to the Key Bridge, and then around Arlington on bike paths. Alan was a serious rider some time back, and still gets out several times a week. Here he is along a path on his Carbon (perish the thought!) Colnago. The ride was fun, but the heavy traffic and rooted bumps in the paths required a close eye on where I was going. Alan graciously commented on my bike handling skills later. Flattery will get you everywhere, Cuz :)

Later that evening, Sharon and I met him and his loevly wife kelly for a rooftop dinner at Perry's in the Kalorama area of the city. It being a nice night, we walked to the meeting place since it was only 6/10 of a mile away. I think he sort of looks like my Uncle Arthur, back when he was slimmer. Here is Arthur, on a bike of course, but in ETO WWII. Arthur is on the left.

We enjoyed the visit. For me, being unhurried was the key. A day at Monticello, another at Mt. Vernon. A full afternoon at the Holocaust Museum. Using the Metro, but not running to make a train. Leisurely meals at the Open City Diner, which we loved. We got along great separately and together. I know it went well for Sharon too, because she told me to start looking for a 2011 bike ride we could tag a vacation onto. Just, maybe October when it's cooler. :)

The last ride of the vacation was on Wednesday. "Long lost" cousin Alan, with who I'd corresponded by email over the past year plus, offered to show me a local route and catch up on old family times. We met outside the hotel and headed to the Key Bridge, and then around Arlington on bike paths. Alan was a serious rider some time back, and still gets out several times a week. Here he is along a path on his Carbon (perish the thought!) Colnago. The ride was fun, but the heavy traffic and rooted bumps in the paths required a close eye on where I was going. Alan graciously commented on my bike handling skills later. Flattery will get you everywhere, Cuz :)

Later that evening, Sharon and I met him and his loevly wife kelly for a rooftop dinner at Perry's in the Kalorama area of the city. It being a nice night, we walked to the meeting place since it was only 6/10 of a mile away. I think he sort of looks like my Uncle Arthur, back when he was slimmer. Here is Arthur, on a bike of course, but in ETO WWII. Arthur is on the left.
We enjoyed the visit. For me, being unhurried was the key. A day at Monticello, another at Mt. Vernon. A full afternoon at the Holocaust Museum. Using the Metro, but not running to make a train. Leisurely meals at the Open City Diner, which we loved. We got along great separately and together. I know it went well for Sharon too, because she told me to start looking for a 2011 bike ride we could tag a vacation onto. Just, maybe October when it's cooler. :)

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