Yes, ho, ho, ho to you Roger for hosting this year's club holiday gathering. Great turn out and I even recognized a couple of people there! You get to where you know people by their bikes, so when they are in street clothes with a plate of appetizers in hand, your mind goes blank. "Lance, uh, uh, what-was-it-again?" The food was tasty and the conversation filling. I met a few spouses and significant others who do not come out and ride. I was asked by several folks at the party if I had on a wool shirt tonight. One of those who asked was even still sober at the time. Could you smell me? Wool doesn't have an odor people!!Get with the program here.
I caught up on who had done what to their rides to make them even more tricked out than before. That of course is easier than making the engine stronger by, say, riding. I know, I know, the Alice Doctrine states that you cannot ride at any temperature less than your age. Louise finally took the compact crankset plunge (I also put one on the MArk III). She loves it. It was dear in cost, but less expensive than fixing a flat tire for her. (The last two times she brought flats into the shop to be patched, they sold her a new bicycle). Bill has built his Salsa into the 2 wheeled version of a Shelby AC Cobra. He has to have a visiting mechanic come with a torque wrench and tensionometer to micro adjust after each ride. "It's like tuning a Ferrari" he said. NO joke, he REALLY said that. I am not innocent either, I must confess. I have been getting wool stuff to wear left and right. I may be the only one around who is unhappy at our current 65F temps.
I was tickled to learn that someone DOES read this blog! Never met him before, but he and his main squeeze have me 1/2 talked into riding the Erie Canal (you need VERY wide tires to stay up on canal water, I think) or maybe Key Biscayne to Portland ME. Depends on whether they have a regular length or a long weekend free, they said. I'm not sure, but I will probably need more than even a long weekend. My bikes don't go fast enough for whirlwind touring. Something about the engine seems lacking.
Bill showed no quarter as he spilled the beans about my various fauxs pas (Irina, our recent returnee from studying in France will have to advise me on the plural of that) to anyone in ear shot. Then Jack chimed in, "Remember the time he left me for dead by the side of the road..." I knew it was time to vamoose. After hearing ALL the reasons why people are not riding these days, it looks like after the holidays before the good old Club Lite days fire back up. In the meantime, it was good to see you all, have a safe and Merry Christmas and a happy and mile filled new year.
I'll be the one on the lugged steel bike. Wearing wool.
1 comment:
Bruce - Don't worry, there are several of us that read your blog! Good stuff and always entertaining. Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.
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